What Should Our Approach to Outward Appearance Be?
by Kathlyn Mae M. Tiu - July 11, 2012
Society puts great emphasis on how we look. In reality, though, outward appearance is both important and unimportant. Read on to see what I mean.
We live in a world where things get more complex every day. One thing that complicates life is our approach to outward appearance. We have been taught that it isn’t as serious as it appears to be. Yet in some aspects, we might consider outward appearance to be something we should work on. So, it is both important and unimportant. But why and how?
Why outward appearance is NOT important
Advertisements for weight loss and new fashion crazes are everywhere; and undeniably, we go after these things in order to look better. It’s as if it’s the only thing that matters.
But the Bible reminds us to think twice about these approaches to outward appearance rather than to try to fit into society’s trends of beauty.
I was working on this article when I watched a local television program about some twins who were different in one thing: their appearance. The more “beautiful” one was admired and loved by everybody, while the other was hated and disparaged—even by their own mother.
As I watched the story, I realized that this world pays too much attention to what people look like on the outside rather than on the inside. The Bible tells us that God does care about our inward beauty. In 1 Samuel 16:7 it says, “But the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart’” (emphasis added throughout).
Outward appearance passes
If we put our hope in outward appearance, we will fail in the end. Good looks fade with age. Many beauty queens of years gone by are now old and no longer famous.
The Bible even advises us in Proverbs 31:30: “Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.” You see, the key is to fear the Lord rather than to cherish beauty so much.
You are His masterpiece
God really cares about you. You are a masterpiece of His creation. Psalm 139:14 reveals, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.” We are even made after His own image (Genesis 1:27).
So, the next time you look in the mirror, don’t forget to remind yourself that what you are seeing is one of the most beautiful things God created.
Why outward appearance is important
As Christians, it is very hard for us not to give in to what the world wants us to look like. We don’t want to be noticed and considered an oddity.
Though outward appearance doesn’t really matter, we should be reminded that it identifies us as God’s children. Our clothing, for example, must be modest and decent. One sample verse about proper attire is found in Exodus 28:40 where we read that tunics, sashes and hats were given to Aaron’s sons for glory and beauty.
How we look on the outside must conform to scriptural guidelines. This signifies our humility before God. Once we surrender ourselves, we become eager to learn more about God and His ways. This will eventually change not just our wrong approach to outward appearance, but our nature and character as well. And once these things have changed, we become the Christians we are expected to be.
Responsible approach to outward appearance
Don’t believe the myth that beauty only comes on the outside. Real beauty is what you believe in, what you do and what you are. Yes, it is important to look as nice as possible, especially in going to church services and presenting yourself before the Lord. However, God does not want us to be more focused on appearance than we are on Him, because it takes our eyes and hearts away from Him. All it takes is a responsible approach to outward appearance.
Kathlyn Mae Tiu is currently a college freshman taking up chemical engineering. She attends the Bacolod, Philippines, congregation of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association.
For an article that covers the question of what the Bible teaches about personal appearance, clothing and jewelry, see "Is It Okay to Wear Jewelry?"
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