Meet Your Maker
by Joshua Travers - December 27, 2011
Have you met your Maker yet? Well, now is as good a time as any.
Do you feel you really know God? Do you have a strong personal relationship with your Creator?
These are important questions to ask, yet they often go unasked by most people.
Who is your Maker?
Many people don’t really know who God is, sadly. If they think of Him at all, they think of Him as a wrathful God who destroyed people for just a few “minor” sins. They see Him as a monster, a Being who is cruel and heartless. They don’t see Him as the merciful and loving God that He really is.
Yet, in contrast, many people think of Jesus Christ as very loving, a man who was always nice, gentle and never angry. Well, a quick reading of the Gospels clears up that misconception (John 2:15-17). Christ wasn’t as accepting of sin as some people think.
What most people don’t realize is that Jesus Christ and the God of the Old Testament are one and the same (John 8:58; 1 Corinthians 10:4)! Jesus Christ was the One who interacted with people in the Old Testament and the New Testament, and He said He came to reveal the Father.
In fact, however, God the Father and Jesus Christ, the Son of God, are completely unified and think and do things the same way (John 14:7-10; 17:11).
In the first chapter of Genesis, it tells us God created the heavens, the earth and everything else. When the time came to create humans, the Bible reveals something very important about our Creator. The Hebrew word for God here is in the plural. While there is one God (Deuteronomy 6:4), there are two Beings that make up that one God family.
This is shown in Genesis 1:26 when God said, “Let Us make man in Our image” (emphasis added). God, both God the Father and Jesus Christ, the God of the Old Testament, created us.
Meet the Maker
We will all meet God, our Maker. Jesus Christ promised to come back to rule this earth soon (Revelation 22:12). Then later there will come a time when God the Father will bring His majestic throne down to the earth to dwell on it. Then it will be said, “The tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them. … God Himself will be with them and be their God” (Revelation 21:3). God will finally come to live with His creation. God will be with all of us, and we will all be able to know our Maker.
But must we wait until then? Do we have to wait to meet God, our Creator and Maker?
Thankfully, no. God—the same One who made us and gave us life—desires to have a family relationship with each and every single one of us. God will meet us in the future, yes, but He wants to have a personal relationship with us now! So, how do we establish this relationship with our Maker?
First of all, when God determines that we are ready, He calls us into a wonderful relationship with Him (John 6:44). Then, if we choose to answer that calling and strive to faithfully obey Him, we must come to the point where we decide that we want to be baptized after a deep and personal repentance. After baptism we will have the laying on of hands and receive God’s Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). This is the process God has established to enable us to have a relationship with Him now.
For eternity
Right now, true followers of Jesus Christ are in a special relationship with God, yet we can still separate ourselves from God. However, there will come a day when we will dwell with God for eternity.
In Revelation, where it says that God will dwell with His creation, God is talking about eternity. We will be able to live with God forever, in the true meaning of the word, and never fear being separated from our Maker again.
Joshua Travers is a high school senior who attends the Athens, Ohio, congregation of the Church of God, a Worldwide Association. He enjoys writing and reading.
For more about our Creator and Maker, see:
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