How Can Teens Prepare for the Spring Festivals?
by Gabriella Kroska - March 9, 2021
As the spring festivals approach, you will hear sermons about preparing for the Passover through self-examination. Can unbaptized teens examine themselves too?
As the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread approach, many sermons focus on how God’s people should prepare for the spring festivals. Often those messages remind baptized members of their need to examine themselves prior to taking the Passover.
While only baptized members partake of the Passover, this doesn’t mean that there’s nothing young people, who aren’t yet baptized, can do to prepare for the spring festivals.
Throughout the Bible, young people are encouraged to build a relationship with God early in life to establish a solid foundation. Strong foundations aren’t built overnight. Let’s look at some ways you can use the spring festival season to continue, or begin, building your spiritual foundation.
Build a prayer habit
A close relationship requires regular and solid communication. This is true of relationships between parents and children, friends, spouses—and it is also true about your individual relationship with God!
Prayer is how we communicate our thoughts, desires and needs to God. If you aren’t sure where to start, try reading our blog “How to Pray.” If you aren’t already praying daily, make it a personal goal. Ask God for guidance, wisdom and blessing in your life. God desires a close relationship with you and will reward your efforts to draw near to Him (James 4:7-8).
Build a habit of Bible study
Communication must go both ways if a strong relationship is to be built and maintained. God communicates His way of thinking to us as we study His Word.
During the spring festival season, you might consider reviewing the history of Israel’s leaving Egypt (Exodus 1-14) and Christ’s life and sacrifice in the Gospels. You might also consider studying the meaning of Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread (both found in Leviticus 23) or reading scriptures on the topics of leaven and repentance.
The Bible might seem like an intimidating book, but you don’t have to study it all at once! Start laying the foundation, one day at a time. You could even enroll in the Church’s new Bible Study Course.
Begin to practice self-evaluation
Self-evaluation is a useful tool in our personal and professional lives, but it is an absolute necessity in the spiritual life of a Christian. Self-evaluation involves both prayer and Bible study. We begin by asking God to give us the eyes to see where we need to grow and to help us have the proper humble attitude and perspective. Bible study gives us the opportunity to look into the Word of God for guidance on how we are to live our lives day to day.
A good starting point would be to study the 10 Commandments. Take time to consider each one individually and ask the following questions: In what ways do I do well in following them? Where do I need to improve in following them?
Start where you’re at
In order to have a strong relationship with God, both prayer and study must be a part of a young Christian’s life. The earlier you start, the easier these habits will be to continue and develop as you go through your life. Prayer and study build a proper attitude and mind-set.
Both of these are necessary to begin the process of self-examination—a process that never ends! Spiritual foundations and habits aren’t built overnight, but it’s never too early, and you’re never too young to begin laying your foundation. Challenge yourself to begin building, or continue strengthening, your habits and your relationship with God!
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